Dear Parents, We would like to thank you all who were able to attend the Third Graders Coffee time last Thursday! It was our great pleasure to meet each of you all in person. We hope you get some idea of what your learners are getting as well as of what resources are being used in the classrooms. Please do not hesitate to talk to us if you have any questions or concerns at any point of this academic year. We wish your families a very relaxing Golden Week! Math In Marth class we finished Multiplication unit which covered the rules of multiplication such as; the answer stay same even if the order is switched, we get the same answer whether we decompose the multiplicand or multiplier, 0 times any number equals zero, multiplication with 10 and etc. We also looked and thought about how to calculate 2 digit numbers with 1 digit number. On top of that, we learned how to become expert at taking notes. Last but not least, we took a unit test to showcase of how well...