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Showing posts from January, 2019

[3A-B Science- English]- Basic Electric Curcuit

Dear Parents, Welcome to our another Science- English class blog. In our previous unit, we looked at some materials that let electricity pass through them easily. Some of them are metals such as copper, iron, and steel. We learned that these materials are called, conductors.   On the other hands, some materials do not allow electricity to pass through them. Some examples are, plastic, wood, glass, and rubber... We call them insulators.  Once we got all things set, we did lots of hands-on activities to find how the basic electrical circuit works... Please watch our unit slide show below... Thank you!

Whose boat can carry the most cargo?

Yesterday in STEM Club, the students were given the challenge of who could create a boat that could carry the most cargo. The students worked in small groups to design their boat before making it using only foil and tape. After the students were happy with the design, each group tested their boat in water, seeing who could put the most marbles into their boat before it sank! The winning group could put 250 marbles in their boat!

[3A 社会] かわってきた人々のくらし 洗濯体験その1

昔から伝わる古い道具の中には、現在でも受け継がれ使用されているものもあれば、形を変えて進化しているものもあります。 今回は、古い道具の中でも現在でも手に入り、活用している人もいる「洗濯板」を体験しました。 洗濯するなら汚れものでなければ、ということで「泥・しょうゆ・コーヒー・紅茶」で白い靴下に汚れをつけていきます。 洗う前はこんな感じ  この靴下が洗濯板でどのぐらい白さを取り戻せるか、いざ実践です! (続きはまた後ほど)

1A Learns about Place Value

In Mathematics we started our unit on place value. Students are having fun creating numbers up to the hundreds on place value mats. What numbers can you make?

[Assembly on January 18th] Things I would like to try this year

We had a morning assembly last Friday in English. The talk theme was " Things I would like to try this year". They were MC. Best English speaker of the week. Congratulations! 

2B Global English Creates a Verb Wall

Grade 2 Global English students are currently learning how to write procedures. Today 2B students created their own verb word wall to help them use lots of different verbs when writing procedures. First the students brainstormed all the different verbs on the whiteboard table. Then the students wrote some verbs on special cards to create the verb word wall. The students had lots of fun creating their word wall and are very excited to use it next lesson to help them write their next procedure!