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Showing posts from March, 2019


幼稚部との交流 来年度に向けた取り組み・・みんなでクッキング! 来年度の1年生のために小学校の楽しさやルールを教えてね! 特別講師池田さんによるお茶授業! お味はどうですか?あいさつ覚えましたか? 最後の音楽集会・・発表会! 1年間楽しかったですか? 1年間お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。

2B's STEAM Inquiry Project

This week 2B have taken on a STEAM Inquiry challenge. STEAM is similar to STEM and stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. The students were given the task "How can we as zookeepers, design an exhibit for the Sendai Zoo?". In pairs the students had to research an animal and design an enclosure that would cater for the needs of the animal and be the right size. Now using their information, the students are in the process of creating their new animal exhibits!


This term students across Grades 1-3 have attended Horizon Sendai Primary School's first STEM Club. The students have been taking on lots of different challenges such as how high they can make a tower only using paper cups, designing a way for Rapunzel to escape from her tower and learning how thrust works through doing science experiments with balloon. I  hope all students continue to develop a love of Science and keep their scientific curiosity!

Primary's New Collaboration Space

Today primary students got to enjoy their new collaboration space in the playground. The students had the chance to show off their artistic skills and make new friends as they played together. The furniture and chalkboards were designed and painted by the children on World Hello Day and with the weather finally becoming warm enough to sit outside, the students got to enjoy this area for the first time. It is hoped the area will  help students across the school make new friends and promote peace. “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”  ~Desmond Tutu